NHLPA announces partnership with PWHPA ahead of Dream Gap Tour

Jayna Hefford. (Sean Kilpatrick/CP)

The NHLPA is partnering with the Professional Women’s Hockey Players Association (PWHPA) ahead of the Dream Gap Tour.

Players will wear an NHLPA patch on their jerseys in the inaugural showcase event where roughly 200 of the top female hockey players in North America will travel across the continent to compete in a series of games.

The first set of games will be played at Westwood Arena in Toronto starting on Sept. 21 with Rebecca Johnston’s team going up against Brianne Jenner’s squad.

“The success of women’s hockey is integral to the growth of the sport. NHL players are proud to continue with their support of the women’s game by sponsoring the PWHPA,” said NHLPA Executive Director Don Fehr via a press release. “We look forward to seeing these talented hockey players on the ice as they demonstrate their skill and passion for the game throughout the PWHPA’s Dream Gap Tour.”

The PWHPA was formed on May 20 with the goal of creating a single women’s professional league in North America. Players like Hilary Knight, Kendall Coyne Schofield, Brianna Decker, Marie-Philip Poulin and Shannon Szabados have already said they plan to sit out the 2019-20 season as they continue to push for a more suitable league to play in.

“This game plays an important role in the lives of members of the NHLPA and the PWHPA and we’re honoured to have the NHLPA’s support,” said PWHPA Operations Consultant Jayna Hefford in a press release. “It is our time to close the ‘Dream Gap’ for the generations who will follow us by creating a women’s professional league that consistently showcases the best product of women’s hockey, pays its players a living wage and has the infrastructure to ensure the sport can achieve sustained success.”


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