Stars’ Lindell on dives vs. Blues: ‘I’m not that kind of player’

Watch as Esa Lindell drops to the ice easily on three separate occasions during a scrum with Robert Bortuzzo, both players would receive minors.

Esa Lindell performed a series of dives Monday night that would’ve made Greg Louganis jealous.

The Dallas Stars defenceman was flopping all over the ice late in the second period of Monday’s Game 3 loss to the St. Louis Blues while jostling with Robert Bortuzzo.

Lindell and Bortuzzo were assessed minors for embellishment and cross-checking, respectively, but it was Lindell’s performance that had people talking.

Lindell was asked about the penalty, which you can view at the top of the page, and gave his side of the story.

“He crossed at me hard,” the 24-year-old Vantaa, Finland native told reporters Tuesday after his team’s practice. “I wasn’t expecting him to come hard again. I’m not that kind of player. There’s nothing I can change anymore or affect what happened yesterday. I’m already focused on tomorrow.”

Lindell has shown to be a disciplined blue liner throughout his young career with only 79 penalty minutes through 239 regular-season NHL games, yet he has already taken a pair of penalties in three games against the Blues.

Many of those watching actually thought Lindell deserved more than the two minutes he was assessed.

It might be wise for Lindell to remain on his feet for as long as possible when Game 4 goes down Wednesday because any fans of karma must’ve enjoyed seeing how the Blues scored the go-ahead goal with less than two minutes remaining in regulation.

“Well, Maroon pushed me there,” Lindell said while explaining why he was on his stomach when the winning goal was scored. “He got a step on that, so that’s why I was a bit late there. He got a good chance and obviously that was my guy who scored, and I take the blame on it.”

Stars head coach Jim Montgomery said he had no problem at all with the non-call on Maroon that preceded the game-winner.


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