Sportsa is for

Event Management

Powerful, stunning, and easy to use event management, tracking, attendance, responsibilities, scorekeeping, message broadcasting, spares, and much more

Easy to read Calendars

You and your Players get an instant overview of your events, practices, competitions or meetings - see month by month or list view - webcal/iCalendar integration.


Pay and receive payments in one place, drop-ins. Keep finances in order. Know what's owed and what needs to be paid.


You can push mandatory or optional documents to Players and view the signed status of documents, and Players can accept and sign using a finger or mouse

Discussion Circles

Participate in free and paid discussion Circles, sharing knowledge, advice, news, reviews with like minded individuals and professionals - provokes conversation, enhances your visability.


Find anything from gyms & sports arenas to local health-care professionals, teams looking for players and players looking for teams. Check out reviews, discounts, teams, photos, facility information and discounts.

Live Scorekeeper

Record and see scores and statistics, in real-time, across all devices and across all players. Score-keeping designed individually for your sport with statistics populated to players & team profiles automatically. Sign in players, record shots, goals, custom & generic penalties, jerseys and much more..

Buy & Sell

Buy or Sell any of your new or used clothing, equipment, memorabilia - find great deals on things that you're looking for